Your needs, our expertise:
Collect large amount of prospects in a short period of time.
Collect highly qualified potential customers
Retargeting Collection
Collect my internet traffic
Establish a contest
Email Appending
Determine email addresses from a postal database
Email Distribution
Send commercial offers by email
Display Distribution
Advertise commercial offers on the Internet
Facebook Fans
Increase my number of fans
Data enrichment
Standardise, update and complete my database
Optin score
Clean up my database
Co-Sponsoring : volume, speed and effectiveness.
With OptinCollect, we guarantee you:
- Volume:5,000,000 prospects
collected per month. - Speed:Collect several million
prospects per hour. - Effectiveness:A targeted collection,
100% optin and 100% fresh.
OptinCollect Co-Sponsoring in a nutshell:- A high-class Co-Sponsoring(A maximum of 3 co-advertisers, a collection net of deduplicationon your database, etc.).
- A discount price(the lowest recruitment cost in the market).
- An ultra-targeted Co-Sponsoring:We conduct precise targeting of the profile of internet users you wish to collect (gender, age, geolocation, etc.).
For each prospect collected, we will provide you with:- The optin email
- The title and therefore the gender
- The last name
- The first name.
- The date of birth.
- The post code of the residence
- The full postal address
- The telephone number
- Volume:5,000,000 prospects
Co-Registration : synonym of quality.
With OptinCollect, we guarantee you:
- A maximum visibility for your co-registration:Plus 3 million unique visitors per month.
- An ultra-qualitative collection:The internet user chooses to receive your offer.
- A 100% optin collection.
For each prospect collected, we provide you with:
- Optin email of the prospect
- Title of prospect and therefore gender
- The last name of the prospect
- First name of the prospect
- Date of birth of the prospect
- The post code of the residence of the prospect
Retargeting Collection : global strategy.
traffic of a website is anonymous- Exclusive to France.
- A collection 100% optin.
- A great response linked to the affinity with your brand.
- A cost uniquely linked to performance.
- A leverage of your sales.
Combine visibility and collection with a dedicated competition.
Some examples:
By launching a dedicated competition with OptinCollect, you are guaranteed:
- A collection using Co-Sponsoring in affinity with your brand/universe.
- A massive highlighting of your brand on the internet (up to 1,000,000 unique visitors to the competition).
- A full-service solution: OptinCollect takes care of everything from A to Z!
Email Appending :
Offline communication becomes online.With OptinCollect, we guarantee you:
100% optin addresses.100% valid addresses.By launching an Email Appending campaign with OptinCollect, you will be able to:
- Communicate with your clients by email.
- Reduce your communication costs.
- Develop your commercial and marketing activities on the internet.
Email broadcast with OptinCollect
Guarantee the ROI of your email campaigns.OptinCollect's expertise guarantees the firepower of our databases.
5 million emails ofoptin partners.12 million openingsper month (the guarantee of a high visibility for your campaigns).2.5 million clicksper month.More than 700,000 leads generatedeach monthBy entrusting the broadcast of your email campaigns to OptinCollect, we guarantee you:
- A database that is being constantly updated.
- A socio-demographic database that represents the population of France.
- From an ultra-qualified database for a targeted and optimised broadcast for your campaigns: gender, age, geolocation, interests and/or purchase intentions.
We broadcast your display campaigns!
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The display affiliation in some figures on the OptinCollect network:
- 2 000 000 impressions per month
- 300 000 mobile impressions per month
- ore than 100 000 leads generated per month:
With the OptinCollect network, we offer you the possibility of:
- Develop your visibility on the internet: launch CPM campaigns (tariff for 1000 impressions of your campaign).
- Collect qualified prospects: launch CPL campaigns (tariff for the generation of one lead).
- Acquire significant traffic: launch CPC campaigns (tariff for one click on your campaign).
- Generate your sales: launch CPL campaigns (tariff for the generation of one lead) or CPA campaigns (tariff for the generation of one activity or one purchase).
By broadcasting your display campaigns with OptinCollect, we guarantee you:
- An ultra-flexible offer to suit your needs.
- Dissemination of your campaigns exclusively on our proprietary platforms.
- Monitoring and control of the performance of your campaigns in real time thanks to our interface.
Increase your Facebook community..
OptinCollect technology allows you to collect the email addresses and optin profiles of Facebook fans that we generate for you!
By implementing a campaign to generate Facebook fans with OptinCollect:
- Increase the visibility of your brand on Facebook.
- Create ambassadors and influencers for your brand on Facebook.
- A targeted generation of Facebook fans.
Standardise, update and complete your database.
Does your database or client file need an overhaul?
Standardise it, update it and enrich it!Pics Large pussy lips pictures new naked vanessa hudgens picture long lesbian breasts tubeMen mature pictures hd asian cherry amatuer breasts girls pictures of young ron whiteTops free asian girls in bondage pics double blowjob pics Perfect big breasts
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- 01Standardisation of your database.
- 02Updating of your database.
- 03Completion of your database.
Optin Score : Optimise your deliverability.
Using OptinScore we will identify:
- Your toxic email addresses (potentially generators of complaints, blacklisted, etc.).Your email addresses used on mobile or tablet.
OptinScore will also correct:
- Your email addresses that do not conform to the RFC syntax.Or enrich the gender of your contacts(by correcting or completing your title information).
- The inversions of last name/first namein your database.The data: address, post code and town of your contacts.
With OptinScore, OptinCollect allows you:
- Maintaining your reputation and your email deliverability.
- Optimising the monetisation of your email databases by qualification.
You have a problem, we have the solution.
OptinCollect in 3 points:
6 million
profiles collected per month. -
450 active clients
satisfied in 2014. -
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